Sunday, June 21, 2009

Stupid Girls

I posted this on a bouncer forum, but I had to reprint it here since this is where I therapeutically vent about stupid people.

Along with hospital security, I also work in bar security (bouncer) as well. This isn't really an exciting story where I took on 5 people all by myself and survived, its just a short story about how stupid the future leaders (how cliché) of this country can be.

I was working the door the other night and noticed a group of girls crossing the street from the parking lot over to the club. There were probably 5 or 6 of them. When the girls reached the club side of the street they stopped at the sidewalk. And don't assume they actually stepped onto the sidewalk, they stopped when they got to it. Slowly but surely, one or two of them stepped on to the sidewalk and out of the street but the bulk of them stayed in the street. Now mind you this is normally a busy street and they were standing in it.

It took everything I had not to say anything right off the bat. I wanted to see how long it would take for them to migrate onto the sidewalk, but after one of them almost got hit by a passing car and they still didn't move, I had to speak up. I told the girls "For your own safety you should probably be on the sidewalk" since they obviously didn't get it themselves. Their reaction, they looked at me like I was an idiot.

Nuf said.

1 comment:

  1. Wassup M... glad you have a blog.. keep writting I want mutha frakin' pictures. I figure i can use graphic language cuz you have a disclaimer.

