Tuesday, June 16, 2009

All Shapes and Sizes

To begin, I have to point out what categorizes a stupid person. They come in all shapes and sizes, from all different races, and from every class and caste level. It doesn't matter where you were born or where you grew up you can still be stupid.

Being stupid does not mean you have a low IQ or have not been to school, I have met people with PhD's that are dumber than a three year old. It is all based on common sense and how you use that sense. Now a days I notice that people don't think before they speak, or act for that matter. They have problems paying attention even when there are no other distractions, which means they don't listen or have ADD; which is something I don't believe in. But that is something we can talk about later.

Why this is a problem now and not before, I don't know. Or maybe that it has always been a problem and is just now (with in the last 10 or so years) becoming evident. Or it could be that years and years ago there were only a few stupid people and some how they were able to reproduce and this is why we have such a problem today. Not sure what the factors are, but the fact is that there are a lot of stupid fucking people out there and I have to deal with them everyday.

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