Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sometimes Children Deserve to be Spanked

For some reason my wife has me watching E! News and for some reason I didn't get up and walk out of the room...

So Ryan Seacrest and some other TV personality chick are talking about these "Shocking" photos of Kate from “John and Kate + 8” spanking her daughter and how maybe these pictures are hurting the ratings to their TLC show.

Guess what you unmarried, non-child having morons, it's called reality TV. In reality kids who disrespect their parents or continue doing things that a parent tells them to stop doing get spanked. It's "Shocking" because people are afraid to discipline their children now a days. It’s because of nosy people who have no children who turn them into the police or take pictures to put their actions on TV or in print. Besides John and Kate's show is dropping ratings because John is a pussy and Kate is a bitch and the media eats that shit up.

Not that I would want to be on Kate's side, but I do support her comment stating that the way she disciplines her children is her business. You go girl. Any parent that thinks spanking a child is abuse, you are the stupid moron. It is not abuse. Abuse is hitting with a closed fist, drawing blood, or breaking bones. A spanking is a painfully uncomfortable and temporary physical representation of the word NO. Spankings simply leave a welt that go away in a few minutes. Young skin is pliable that way.

Being a parent does not mean you are your kids best friend. That's called Friendship, not Parenthood. You bring a child into this world; you need to teach them to be responsible, respectful, and to be disciplined. If this requires a spanking every now and then, so be it. A good spanking is healthy for a child, and just about as traumatic as watching a recent Steven Segal movie. Well, maybe a little less traumatic.

I got spanked when I was growing up and I deserved it. Do I feel that I need hours of physiological help because of it. No. I turned out just fine. And so did quite a few of the people I grew up and went to school with. So did everyone else that came before us. But for some reason today’s children are irresponsible, disrespectful and have no discipline. Could it be because their butts weren't beaten with a switch, wooden spoon or bare hand. Maybe.

I see too many kids coming into the emergency department because their stupid ass parents think they have mental issues. Only about 5% of these kids really have issues, the other kids lack discipline and respect. If these kids just got a spanking or two so they would know that the parents were the boss and what their limits were, they wouldn't be in the ED.

My parents got spanked, I got spanked, I spanked my kids and will do so no matter what age they are and they know it; and I hope my grandkids get spanked. Do you know why? Sometimes children deserve to be spanked.

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