Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Snow Makes People Stupid!

It is winter again and unfortunately it has snowed. It is the first time it has snowed in our area this season and like all snow seasons, the stupid people are out.

I had posted on my Facebook that "Snow Makes People Stupid." One of my friends responded by pointing out that maybe these people were always stupid, it's just the snow is helping them prove it. I agree with this.

At the hospital I work at there are certain sections of the parking structure and roadways that we routinely block off when it snows. There is an entrance/exit that we block because when it snows just a little, it gets slick and leads to a road that's on a hill. You are either going to get stuck going up the hill or slide going down. Four or five times yesterday people, let me reword that, EMPLOYEES were removing the barricades and driving down the blocked off area anyway. I actually yelled at some of them and made one of these morons back up in the structure when I caught him after he moved the barricade. Use some common sense people. You all can't be that stupid. Well maybe you can.

I just saw a news article on one of our local news channels about the city's response to the sudden snow storm. The city was pleased with their response, but the citizens were not. What do people expect? Yes, the snow came down unexpectedly, even my wife and I were not fully prepared, but we made it through smartly and I know that a lot of people did too. However, even more people did not, because they were unprepared.

It is winter you fucking idiots! In the winter there is this white stuff that falls from the sky, they call it snow and sometimes it is joined by really cold rain called freezing rain. Here is some common sense... You can safely get around in this inclement weather with chains on your car or studded tires in addition to driving slowly. There is no need to rush or act stupidly. This will usually lead to someone yelling at you and treating you like the moron you are or it may get you killed. And though I would love for more stupid people to be weeded out of the gene pool, I don't want to clean up the mess.

Here is a link to the story mentioned above.