Sunday, July 12, 2009

Every Good Christian Should Suffer

My grandmother just died at the end of June and the priest who performed her last rights, told my mother that Jesus suffered in his last days and so should any good Christian.

What a crock of shit.

I am not a Christian and really have never considered myself one, but I was raised in a Christian family. Almost all of my relatives, immediate and non-immediate, consider themselves Christian on one part of the spectrum or the other, even if some don't attend church.

I was raised in the Episcopal Church (Church of England) and from the 5th grade on, attended Catholic schools. I was confirmed in the Episcopal Church at age 11 (6th grade), my mother thought this was a good idea so I would be more apt on staying with her (parents were divorced). My father at the time did not attend a church, at least not to my knowledge, and my step-mother was an active member of the Quakers. After my Confirmation, I was forced into becoming an alter boy and as before, made to go to church on a weekly basis and all major Christian holidays. I hated every bit of it and to take my mother up on her promise of me having the choice to go to church or not after the age of 18 I have only been back 4 times in the last 19 years; 2 weddings, once as a successful attempt to get into a girls pants and most recently my grandmother's funeral.

I have studied the bible, only because I had to, which has actually helped ward off Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses who have mistakenly knocked on my door, but I do not recall ever reading or hearing that all good Christians must suffer. I know that Christians believe Hell is a place that exists for bad Christians to go and is also a place that if you are a Fundamentalist Christian, would included everyone who doesn't believe what you believe. However, good Christians aren't suppose to go there and what about suffering at the end of life.

The thing that is sad about the whole thing is that my mom bought into that thought process. Are you kidding me!?! But then again here is a woman who raised me as an Episcopalian and then converted to Catholicism at the height of their molestation scandals. I love my mother, but that was just plain stupid, and another topic for later ranting.

Believe what you want to believe, this is a free country and that is your right, but to believe that as a Christian, a good one at that, you must suffer at the end of your life is BULLSHIT! As a Christian you have suffered enough through prosecution from assholes like me, from Catholic priests who can't keep their hands off little boys, and televangelist addicted to high class hookers.

To quote Madea "Halleluar"